Archiving And Cleaning Of The „Maschere“ Collection by Lodovico Ottavio Burnacini

One of the rarities of the Theater Museum’s baroque treasures is the collection Maschere by Lodovico Ottavio Burnacini, a set of 189 hand sketches of costume figurines, dating back to the second half of the 17th century.

The archiving of this compilation of hand sketches was optimized with acid free passe-partouts and new mountings and some of the heavily stained and spotty sheets underwent a meticulous cleaning procedure. The sheets were described in terms of conservation and the damages were recorded in detail. Moreover, the sheets were examined scientifically (binder analysis through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, examination of pigments through X-ray fluorescence analysis, examination of damages with the polarising- and electron microscope.)

All tests were executed by the Conservation Science Department of the Kunsthistorisches Museum. A report of the hitherto results was published in the issue of „Technological Studies“, in April 2007. The project is on-going with more natural scientific examinations and improved methods of treatment.


Project lead:
Mag. Nadja Pohn

Project team:
DI Dr. Martina Grießer
Dr. Vana Greisenegger-Giorgila



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